Leaving Tofte MN for Gun Flint Trail MN ~ By Tom ~

Ahhh, what a nights rest and a good continental breakfast will do to one’s spirits.  Audrey, Emma and I did our morning routines and I was glad to see the chicken sandwich go away (lol).  We got back on route 61 north and on up to 12 north until we couldn’t go any further.  It was incredible. The air was so fresh and the sun was out bringing the temps to a relaxing 74 degrees.  Along the way we met Kathleen Litwin who was standing at a scenic spot overlooking a small lake doing an open air painting.  We talked and talked and shared stories of the area including the moose sightings people on the trail have been blessed to see.  From there we continued on and at the end of the trail we stopped at the Trails End Café  for an awesome sandwich and conversation with Destry from Chicago who decided to see America also and ended up here working at the Café.  After lunch we were about to leave when we met Harold and Jenny Bitter from Madison, WI.  What a great couple.  She was from England and he from Wisconsin.  They shared stories of their adventures of travel and after wishing us good luck we each went our ways.  Ah, another friendship on our tour across this great United States.  We finally settled in here at Swan Lake Campground.


~ USA Through Our Eyes ~ Stories Told Through Words, Photographs, Videos and Sound

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