Ahh What An Experience At The KOA ~ By Tom ~

Sorry about being late on this post but wanted to share our Toledo North KOA experience 9/2 – 9/3.  It is a beautiful family place to stay but the hustle and bustle was like that of a city.  They have something like 190 sites and each one was occupied with families celebrating Labor Day weekend and the close of summer.  Where we were located in the Primitive section which means there is no electric or water hook-ups which was fine with us.  We noticed some road noise from the major highway but figured it would quiet down later on.  Ops wrong figuring.  As night progressed so too did it, lol.  This was a bit annoying but the real irritant was the new campers that arrived on scene and in the festive mood.  At first it was entertaining as they stumbled and fumbled setting up their tent but we quickly realized that the fumbling was most likely due to the brewskies they were popping left and right.  Then came there need for music and that’s when they hooked up their external high wattage speakers.  I thought for a moment I was at a rock concert.  Well the noise didn’t subside much and that combined with the highway noise led to a fairly sleepless night.  The real fun began the next morning when the thought of a nice hot shower danced in my mind.  Ahh I could feel the warm water soothing my tired body.  Tom describing Shower ExperienceOh well so much for that thought and I’ll tell you why.  When was the last time you took a shower in a ceramic tiled room 3 feet x 3 feet with no window, no lock on the door, a little bench with the shower drain clogged with what I think was a cat given the amount of hair protruding from it, lol.  For a moment I thought “this sucks” but then I thought again but this time with a different attitude.  I was camping not staying at a 5-star resort that had towels in the shape of swans and a mint on the pillow.  This was camping.  So I hunkered down and stepped in the pit with the water up to my ankles and lathered up.  The picture here is me describing the shower experience to Audrey.  It was a fantastic shower… almost like I imagined.  Then we walked around and embraced the wonderful photo moments of families having fun.  It was awesome but it was great seeing it from the rear view mirror. Please check out our photo’s on the gallery page.


~ USA Through Our Eyes ~ Stories Told Through Words, Photographs, Videos and Sound

5 thoughts on “Ahh What An Experience At The KOA ~ By Tom ~

  1. You made the best lemonade possible in what sounds like a less than ideal situation. Good for you! Now I’m off to read Audrey’s take on KOA.
    (Madelyn Griffith-Haynie – ADDandSoMuchMORE dot com)
    ADD Coach Training Field founder; ADD Coaching co-founder
    “It takes a village to educate a world!”

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