Journey Out West and Back, Day 14 – the Halfway Point

We woke in the lovely Lake Bronson State Park campground in the northern reaches of northwest Minnesota after a very, very chilly night. This was the 14th day of our journey and we knew today we would cross the border into North Dakota. The landscape continued to open out before us and the wind turbines were showing up everywhere among the wide-open fields. Ironically It would end up being the half way point in our travels, although we didn’t know it at the time. As we reflect it seemed like a bit of synchronicity that it would also be the day we reached the Geographical Center of North America – Rugby, ND.

Don’t forget to check out more of Audrey’s work by visiting her on “Instagram” or some of her work on  “Vimeo“.


~ USA Through Our Eyes ~ Stories Told Through Words, Photographs, Videos and Sound

18 thoughts on “Journey Out West and Back, Day 14 – the Halfway Point

  1. LOL, LOL. Thank you for the compliment on the video and the belly laugh. We remember that sequence in “Michael” (great movie). It is so fun finding these type monuments and communities oversized statues. Oh and yes we are searching for the biggest frying pan, lol.

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  2. Great video! Had to smile about the “geographical center” because I once made it out to Arizona and was so excited to see the “Continental Divide” in New Mexico (also marked by a rock or something similar). I think it was brought out in the John Travolta movie “Michael” how we road trippers are fascinated with geographical monuments or even the world’s biggest frying pan, especially when those markers are free 🙂

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