The Lost Get Found! ~by Emma~

Snuggle In.
Snuggle In.

Okay, let me pick up where we left off.  Let me see… oh yeah, this is where my people, Audrey, comes in.  She was looking for a companion and knew she wanted to adopt me but just hadn’t found me yet.  When she saw me she fell absolutely full blown in love with me.  Of course what’s not to fall in love with after you see my picture, wol, wol.  Now let me tell you what I meant by “she wanted to adopt me but just hadn’t found me yet”!  See my name is Emma and in my people Audrey’s family tree her grandmother’s name was “Emma”.  Now, is this a coincidence or is it a “God-incidence”?  I prefer to thinks it’s the latter.  At any rate it wasn’t till my people, Audrey was talking with her Aunt Katherine that she realized my name was the same as her favorite “Granny Emma”.  When my people, Audrey realized it Aunt Katherine laughed and said all of us in the family were all wondering when you would realize it Audrey, wol, wol.  Okay, I gotta go now I want to bug my peoples Audrey and Tommie cause he likes taking me out to play chase the bone.  It’s a fun game that I got him hooked on.  He doesn’t realize it but he has a glitch in his rotator cup and tossing the bone gives him the exercise he needs to keep it moving.  If only he knew the medical expenses I was saving him from having to have surgery.  I’ll tell you more of my story tomorrow, okay.


~ USA Through Our Eyes ~ Stories Told Through Words, Photographs, Videos and Sound

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